Hello fellow gamers, bloggers and readers. A quick sorry again for the lacking of reviews, I've just been really struggling for time recently, I've just been so busy with work and everything. But I have just invested in a new PC and its really nice and its a really good system and I cant wait to get it properly set up so hopefully that wont take long, I'll probably write a little post about it when its finished, just in case you were thinking of buying one. You gotta know your stuff yo!
Anyway I'm writing today about the new information we've been given about The Sims 4, like, oh my God I am so excited for The Sims 4. The Sims series has always been a favourite for me as you may know if you've read my review on The Sims 3 which I'll link at the bottom.
The Sims 4 first look. |
So the teaser video introduces with a producer of TS4 called Lindsey Pearson and she narrates the video which shows us a little bit of create a Sim, building a house, gameplay and a few new features. Which all look very exciting.
The teaser starts with the create a Sim, which is the most exciting feature for me because it just looks so slick. Previously in TS2 and TS3 we've had to use sliders to adjust Sims, for facial features and body size, but as the teaser video shows us in TS4 all we'll have to do is click on the area of the Sim that wants to be made bigger or smaller, you just click, push and pull, it looks very detailed, even the size of the pupils can be adjusted. The feature of choosing your Sims voice and personality is still included in the game, but the teaser doesn't really give much away on how the personality will be conjured. In TS2 you could choose "turn-on's" and "turn-off's" and in TS3 you choose traits to individualise each Sim, so I don't know how they will incorporate choosing personalities in TS4. Another cool looking feature is how you get to choose the way your Sim moves, choosing from a variety of mannerisms and walks.
The creation and design of building a house looks interesting, it appears you get a standard square room which you can move around and push and pull into any shape, and height of rooms, now that is a good feature to me, like in my house I have pretty high ceilings downstairs, so I imagine a lot of peoples hoses do, its small features like this that are really getting The Sims series into a really realistic Simulation game. No mention of diagonal walls but I suppose that's no big deal, you can also just pick up a room and move it and all the furniture and décor will move with it, can't think of a time where I've needed to do that but I'll probably find a reason to utilise the feature, just because I can. There was no mention of the furnishing of your home, I did read somewhere that it will be an Ikea like catalogue. Shame I don't really like Ikea. God damn flat pack!
New emotional states have been introduced into the game, which again we aren't completely unfamiliar with e.g. being "heart broken", or "having a blast" but it appears to be much more detailed and specific in TS4, if you're doing well when picking someone up your Sim may become confident and will better succeed with flirting, or if you Sims is angry they will have to do something to reduce the anger, like punching a punch bag.
So in conclusion TS4 looks like its going to be an amazing game not unlike its prior releases , The Sims has always been a top selling game. I hope you enjoyed this review on the new Teaser video, hopefully we will be kept informed as more developments in the game are made.
Check out the teaser for yourself:
Sorry for the lack of pictures, but I couldn't really find any good ones that were worth putting up, and quick reminder, TS3 Into the Future is released in only 60 days from today! So excited for this game, like we've seen pets and seasons and holiday expansion packs so many times, this one looks totally fresh and honestly a nice change, here's the link, its available to pre-order for £29.99:
So I can't actually rate this game yet because I obviously haven't played it yet. but I predict it will achieve 10/10. Oh and here's the link to my review on The Sims 3:
Bye guys, have a great day. SCHMOOOOOOWWWWWWWW!