Anyway on with the show, hope you enjoy my review for Minecraft.
Minecraft. |
So I really like Minecraft, I don't know what it is about it but I could just spend hours on it and before I know it, the days gone! I mean, me and my brother have built some pretty cool stuff, including a train station which lead to all the surrounding villages, it sounds a little sad but it was cool to do, and some rather funky houses, some on Survival and some on Creative, and there is a difference.
on Creative mode you have an unlimited inventory of everything item and material available on the game, so searching for resources is not an issue, but you don't really get a sense of achievement, where you would on Survival mode, in this mode you start with nothing, no weapons for harvesting food or materials, no materials to build even a bed, so it makes it fun, not difficult but fun! But you can make a little bit of something in Creative and then change the gameplay to Survival, which I have done before and it really helped me out a lot.
Minecraft is a completely open map game and you can be given any kind of map, some good and others not so great, when you start you can pick a "seed" I always find that 69 always spawns you a decent world. Or you can pick to have a flat world with no mountains, water, snow, sand, trees, weeds or anything, just a complete flat square land. And along with there being this awesome, opportunistic world, you also get what's called, The Nether which is basically an alternate world which is well beneath the bedrock which is impossible to dig through. to enter The Nether, you need 10 blocks of obsidian and a flint and steel to light the old bitch up. Jump into the screen and you will be magically teleported to the creepy and mysterious Nether, which is infested with Zombie Pigmen, ghasts, Magma cubes and blazers, all beatable with a sword! But for ghasts I would recommend a bow and arrow, to leave simply re-enter The Nether portal.
Nether Portal
And as well as there being a 'Nether' land to discover there is also 'The End', firstly it is difficult to get too! To get here you have to find a labyrinth like cave, which is kind of like an underground castle, with a library. There is only one portal to this world in the whole map, so happy hunting. But finding it is not the only problem, to get access you need to have Ender eyes and magma cream, to get Ender eyes you need to find and kill Endermen (found in the normal world), and for magma cream you must find and kill Blazers (found in The Nether) these to items mixed together makes Enderpearls. Once in The End, and you've had a little dig around, you come face to face with the Ender dragon, who is an asshole to kill, so make sure you only enter The End if you have good armour and good weaponry (I'm talking diamonds!) But if you do kill this slippery sucker, you get, a ton, of XP. so, WORTH IT!
Something I've always really liked about gaming, and this may seem irrelevant but its not, is having my collection of discs of cartridges, or at least being able to have the option to have the game on disc or cartridge rather than an online download, and until last month Minecraft was only a downloadable game (a very successful one none the less) but I obviously got the disc because, you know, Minecraft, awesomeness!
Vajjy Island, Seed 69. |
As I mentioned, Creative is definitely the easier way to play, and I play in Creative if I just want to have some fun building a silly structure, like a pint of beer for example. But Survival is definitely the way to go, its so much more challenging, there's monsters and everything. Watch out for those monsters, they can be pretty mean! And theirs plenty of them, including Creepers (the blow up!) Pig warriors, endermen, spiders, wolfs, zombies and there is many more to look out for, but most of them can be slayed with the end of a sword! Some are found in the normal world and some in The Nether, and in The End there is the Ender Dragon, as I mentioned above, and he's not the friendliest dragon in the world, actually he's a douche!

You can also play Minecraft online and in a multilayer mode, which I love doing with my two brothers, they either come to one of my worlds or we go to one of there worlds and just grief each other, it's great. oh and griefing is where you go to someone else's world and just cause utter chaos, pouring lava on there structures or blowing them up with TNT, but obviously you wouldn't save the data so its all harmless fun really.
So as you can see this is a really good game, and its pretty flawless to be honest. I'd give this game a rating of 7/10. No higher because it is a little tedious when you are building things like the pint house, as everything is built by one single block at a time.
Here is the link to Minecraft on the Xbox Marketplace;
Not a bad price but I think its cheaper on disc.
And here is the link to the PC version;
I'm sorry this reviews a little short or rushed? but I was really tired when I wrote it and I was getting ready to go to work, but I wanted to get it uploaded. Have a super awesome day you guys. :-) Bye!!
Scrap that, I've been back after work and a nap, and I've put more stuff in about the other kinds of worlds within Minecraft, so hopefully I've redeemed my slacker ways :-) and thank you to my brother who helped me word this properly, because I'm silly and couldn't get it to read right. byeeee :D:D
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